Engineering Particle Foam Beads SunForce™ Download

engineering plastics particle foam beads with excellent flame resistance and dimensional accuracy


We would like to introduce SunForce™, engineering plastics foam that has the unique properties of foam, such as flame resistance retardancy, dimensional accuracy, and thin-wall molding.

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Details can be found in the download document.

Advantages of SunForce™ BE
  • Heat Resistance : High strength even under high temperature conditions
  • Flame Retardancy: UL 94 V-0 with a non-halogen formulation
  • Formability and thin-wall moldability: High degree of design freedom allows for a wide range of shapes to be created
  • High Precision: For applications that require high dimensional accuracy
  • Low dielectric properties: Modified PPE resin + foaming provides extremely low dielectric properties
  • Thermal Insulation: For applications that require thermal insulation, warmth, condensation prevention
  • Lightweight: Because it is made of foam, it is extremely lightweight compared to other materials.