Solution for Solar Energy Applications Download slides

Solution for Solar Energy Applications

太陽光発電用途向け 変性PPE樹脂ザイロン™ご提案資料
太陽光発電用途向け 変性PPE樹脂ザイロン™ご提案資料

For over 15 years, Asahi Kasei has been developing, selling, and providing customer support for our family of engineering plastics optimized for connectors and junction boxes in photovoltaic installations. 
These products, designed for long service lifetimes in harsh outdoor environments, have been certified to meet a broad range of specifications–including for flame retardance (e.g., UL94 V-0, 5VA), tracking resistance (CTI), weather resistance (UL746C f1), long term property evaluation (UL746B RTI), and heat resistance (e.g., ball-pressure temperature)—and will help to solve your most challenging design problems.


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Proposal content

Details can be found in the download document.

  • Applications
  • Hydrolysis resistance
  • Weather resistance
  • Ammonia resistance property
  • PV grade properties